Gujarat’s top and largest provider in the managed office space segment DevX on Thursday announced its entry in Hyderabad. Telangana with a 700 seater Center. Located in the Hi-Tech city, among the prominent commercial spaces in India, hosting global tech giants like Oracle, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and many more. The Center is spread across 50,000 sq. feet and DevX will further augment this with an additional 3 lakh sqfeet in the next 1 year. The company is planning a pan-India presence by December 2021 with 15 centers, says a release.
Speaking on the launch of the Hyderabad Center, Parth Shah, Co-Founder – DevX said, “Launching DevX Hyderabad Center is yet 1 more step forward in our journey towards setting standards for those who aspire to operate from a quality Workplace environment. This Center is spread across 50,000 sq. ft., to which DevX will add a further 3 lakh sq. ft. in the next 1 year. As global companies strive to set up offshore development centers, we stand poised to offer them best-in-class, world-standard Managed spaces with excellent amenities. HiTech City is already home to many global giants and we hope to further add to this, being ready to offer spaces for setting up Global Capability Centers. We are striving to be there across India by December 2021, with 10 cities and 15 centers. Offering best-in-class work-space experiences at competitive pricing is one of our hallmarks and we look forward to setting standards for the segment to aspire to.”
Reaffirming these views and elaborating on DevX’s larger framework, Kalyan Jhandyala, Managing Director, India, MenLo Technologies, said, “For us at MENLO, this development meshes smoothly with our growth plans. Being part of the global Quisitive family (after being acquired), there are certain standards in excellence and quality norms that we adhere to. We are thrilled that DevX’s offerings and ethos match our needs and views perfectly. The immense value and new opportunities the DevX Hyderabad facility offers are enormous for companies seeking managed spaces”.
Putting this in a national perspective, Umesh Uttamchandani, Co-Founder DevX said, “As the norms of work change and remote working goes mainstream, the flexible and managed workspaces segment is expanding rapidly. For global companies and MNCs, it makes good business sense not to lock up capital in owning or hiring spaces for the workforce when they can avail best and world-class facilities at managed workspaces. DevX is pioneering models that address and embrace the major concerns of the ecosystem. They are spurring immense synergies, collaborations, and cross-pollination of ideas that have a huge beneficial ripple effect. Going forward, as more & more organizations recognize the importance of being leaner and agile, the managed workspaces segment will be ideally poised to address these concerns, and grow.”
As a core part of the ecosystem, DevX also provides, round the year, a platform for industry, academia, professionals, and companies to hold hackathons, seminars, events, etc. to address emerging trends and issues of concern in form of use cases within the corporate ecosystem. The company is planning a pan-India presence by 2021 end.