Critically acclaimed Tamil movie ‘Karnan’ starring Superstar Dhanush has won the Best Indian Film award at the Innovative International Film Festival held in Bangalore. This was the fourth edition of the Innovative International Film Festival. More than 100 films from 20 countries in over 30 languages were screened at 9 screens during the event. Two Tamil films – Karnan and Kattil – were among the films screened during the event.
At its closing ceremony on Tuesday, Director Mari Selvaraj received the award for Best Indian Film for the film Karnan.
The film, which was produced by V Creations Kalaippuli S Thanu and starred the versatile Dhanush in the lead role garnered positive reviews from both critics and the audience, with praise for the storyline, casting, setting, direction, performances and major technical aspects of the film. Not just critically acclaimed, but the film turned out to become a box office blockbuster and the highest grossing Tamil films of 2021.
The film had a strong technical crew comprising music by Santhosh Narayanan, cinematography handled by Theni Eswar, and editing done by Selva R K.
Karnan, directed by Mari Selvaraj, had hit the theatres on April 9, 2021. Later, the film was released on OTT platform Amazon Prime Video on May 14. The story of the film revolves around a small village in Tamil Nadu. The village is inhabited by people belonging to a lower caste.
The film depicts the story of victims of police brutality in Podiyankulam, a small village. The movie features Tamil superstar Dhanush as the fearless Karnan who saves the villagers from brutality. Karnan revolts against the inhuman treatment given to villagers. He also fights for their rights.