The tech-savvy century-old City Union Bank (CUB) has added another feather on its cap of glory by introducing banking facilities through India’s most popular messaging application — WhatsApp. The bank has recently launched a new Video KYC facility through which anyone can open a new bank account from the comfort of the home or office, as the next step towards digitisation, through the platform, says a bank release.
In pandemic times like this, when many of us are still concerned to step outside our home, let alone going to a bank, the City Union Bank brings banking services directly to the doorstep of the customers.
As the next step towards digitization, City Union Bank has launched “Whatsapp Banking” for its customers. Now City Union Bank customers can do banking through Whatsapp while they are on the move. Customers can get account information, latest offers, banking information, and answers for their queries on various banking products, the statement added.
For availing of this unique service, customers can register to Whatsapp banking by sending ‘Hi’ to the bank’s customer care number ‘044-71225000’ through Whatsapp.
Customers can start banking through the various options available on the menu. Customers who are not having an account with City Union Bank also can interact to know various products and services of the bank.
The following services are available in our Whatsapp Banking:
• Account Opening instantly
• Account Balance Enquiry
• Deposit opening
• Deposits Balance Enquiry
• Mini Statement
• Green PIN for Net/Mobile Banking
• Bill Payment, Card Block & Many Others Hopefully, this will also help customers with ease of doing banking these days.