Day after the arrest of TN Power Minister Senthil balaji by the ED, the 17th Metropolitan Magistrate Court Saidapet in Chennai has issued summons to Tamil Nadu BJP president K. Annamalai, directing him to appear before the court on July 14. The order was passed by the court after taking cognizance of a criminal defamation complaint filed by DMK party treasurer and Member of Parliament, TR Baalu.
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DMK treasurer and parliament member TR Baalu filed a criminal defamation petition against Annamalai. The petition was taken by senior civil judge Anitha Anand, of Saidapet court.
Senior counsel Wilson appeared before the court on behalf of TR Baalu. According to the petitioner’s counsel that on April 14, 2023, Annamalai has defamed TR Baalu in a press meet by giving misleading statements.
After the submission the judge find prima facie of offence and issued summon to Annamalai to appear before the court on July 14, 2023.