After Madras High Court has admitted a petition against her on Friday, Puducherry Lieutenant Governor Kiran Bedi on Friday asked the officials not to be cowed down by the politicians ‘as we are here to improve matters whatever be the price.’
In an open letter to team members (officers) of the administration, the former IPS officer said she was aware of some of the officials and their juniors were being brow-beaten by vested interests ‘to overawe them and to hopefully make them ineffective.’ The reasons for the open letter were apparently because of the recent advertisement of the Local Administration Department for recruitment of a state Election Commissioner here, and the consequent protest by the ruling Congress party.
The release of the advertisement was seen as a breach of privilege of the House as already an official has been posted as the state election commissioner as per the decision of the cabinet.
Bedi, without dropping names or citing any specific reason, in her WhatsApp message, said the officials in the administration should remember that they work for ‘the benefit of those not having courage and capacity to raise their inner needs.’ Asking them not to be overawed by ‘brow-beating as bullying in the form of harassment does not last long,’ she said officials should remember that ‘they are here for good of the overall administration and not for the few. Their service s for reform and transformation.’ Kiran Bedi also said several vested interests have already been broken through in the recent past by a conscientious team of officers and complex situational decision-making had also been cleaning up the Augean stables.
She told the officials that ‘We are here to improve matters whatever be the price. As long as we are upright and honest in our intention and professional we remain protected.
As long as officials stay within the ambit of the law and the rules, they will remain protected.’ Bullying in the form of harassment does not last long although it is stressful, she added.