In a hard hitting attack on the ruling DMK in Tamil Nadu, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that late MGR did not practice dynasty politics and is still remembered by the people of Tamil Nadu for his work and If there was anyone after MGR, it was ‘Amma’ Jayalalithaa ji, who gave her entire life for the people’s welfare.
இன்று பாஜக தனது 3வது ஆட்சிக்காலத்தில் வளர்ச்சியடைந்த பாரதத்தை பற்றி பேசுகிறது. பாஜக தனது 3வது ஆட்சி காலத்தில் பாரதத்தை உலகின் 3வது பெரிய பொருளாதாரமாக மாற்றும் என்று சொல்கிறோம். ஆனால், இன்னொரு பக்கம், இந்தி கூட்டணி கட்சிகள் மோடியை எதிர்க்கவேண்டும் என்ற ஒரே காரணத்திற்காக என்னென்னவோ…
— K.Annamalai (மோடியின் குடும்பம்) (@annamalai_k) February 27, 2024
The state has always been at the heart of the party, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Tuesday as he addressed a huge rally in Tiruppur.
“Even though the BJP has not been in power in Tamil Nadu, the state has always been at the heart of the BJP. All my Tamil brothers and sisters understand this and are aware of it. So those who have looted the state for decades are scared of the increasing power of the BJP (in the state). Tamil Nadu has always given me unconditional love,” Modi said.
The hardwork of our Party is visible on the ground and Tamil Nadu is looking towards BJP with great hope. People are convinced only BJP can fulfill their dreams.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) February 27, 2024
The prime minister was addressing the valedictory of BJP state unit President K Annamalai’s state-wide yatra, which culminated at Tiruppur’s Palladam on Tuesday.
The six-month-long padayatra was launched by Union Home Minister Amit Shah in the state’s pilgrim town of Rameswaram on July 28, 2023.
Modi launched a sharp attack on the opposition and said those parties wanted to save their power by lying, dividing people, and making people fight amongst each other. “But the people of Tamil Nadu are as intelligent as they are pure of heart. They know the truth; they know the reality.”
The prime minister claimed that the Kongu region of Tamil Nadu represents India’s growth story in many ways.
“It is one of India’s most vibrant textile and industry hubs. It also contributes to our country’s wind energy capacity. This region is also known for its spirit of enterprise. Our risk-taking entrepreneurs and MSMEs play a role in making us the fastest-growing economy,” he said.
Interestingly, Modi hailed late AIADMK stalwarts MG Ramachandran and Jayalalithaa in his speech even as the Dravidian party, a former ally of the BJP, had categorically ruled out a return to the National Demoratic Alliance.
“Late MGR did not practice dynasty politics and is still remembered by the people of Tamil Nadu for his work,” Modi said, adding that the former chief minister promoted people based on talent and not on the basis of family.
“If there was anyone after MGR, it was ‘Amma’ Jayalalithaa ji, who gave her entire life for the people’s welfare,” he further said.