Puducherry Chief Minister V Narayanasamy on Saturday criticised the tranche of Rs 20 lakh crore stimulus packages being announced in piece meal by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, saying it was irrelevant in a democracy.
Puducherry CM @VNarayanasami talks about the current situation in the union territory & govt's effort to bring back the normalcy. Watch this #ReporterDiary by @AkshayaNath. Full interview :
— IndiaToday (@IndiaToday) May 16, 2020
Addressing reporters, the Chief Minister said the opening up of coal sector and proposed changes in eight sectors, including defence production, airspace, airports and power distribution in Union Territories, were not relevant in a democracy.
He said there was no clear indication of how the benefits envisaged in the tranches would reach the targeted sections of the society. “There are several uncertainties and complications in the Finance Minister’s announcements,” he said.
Narayasamy said his cabinet would meet on Monday (May 18) to decide next course of action after the current lockdown ends on Sunday.
Already, a detailed report containing suggestions of the Puducherry government has been sent to the Centre in response to its consideration before a decision on lifting or extending the lockdown is taken, the Chief Minister said.
He said normalcy was fast returning to Puducherry and the administration would face greater dislocation if the lockdown continues beyond May 17 as people have borne the brunt of the measure.
Narayanasamy said the government would announce at the end of the cabinet meet its decision on re-opening liquor shops.
Referring to the Tamil Nadu government obtaining an order of the Supreme Court on liquor shops, he said, “We will take a decision considering the revenue position in Puducherry.”
On migrant workers, he said the government would spend Rs 14 lakh from the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund to enable the nearly 1,300 such workers from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar stranded in Puducherry and Karaikal take a special train to their native places, Narayasamy added.