E-commerce giant Flipkart on Friday announced that it has resumed services in some parts of India two days after their services were interrupted due to the nationwide lockdown announced by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on March 25.
Flipkart, which had shut their services on Wednesday, have now resumed their grocery essential services, confirmed CEO Kalyan Krishnamurthy. He added that the decision to resume services were taken after law enforcement authorities ensured the safety of delivery executives. We are grateful for the clarification provided by the government and local state authorities on the functioning of e-commerce during the lockdown. We are resuming our grocery services today.
“E-commerce & logistics industry had a very positive meeting with Hon’ble CIM Mr. Piyush Goyal, who patiently listened to the issues that industry is facing while delivering essential supplies to customers. We are grateful for the support extended by Minister Goyal, all senior officials in the government of India to the industry in this fight against Corona,” said Kalyan Krishnamurthy, CEO, Flipkart Group
Commenting on the resumption of delivery of groceries, Rajneesh Kumar, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer, Flipkart said, “As we have resumed grocery operations, our fulfilment centres servicing these needs are operational. There has been a significant spike in demand, and we are enhancing capacity to meet the increase in customer requirements.”
We are encouraged by the significant support from the local government, local police authorities and the central government to streamline our operations, Kumar added.
Employee-friendly measures to boost their morale
Elaborating on the steps taken by the company to take care of staff’s health and safety, Kumar said, “We are working towards building and strengthening the morale of delivery teams and supply chain executives and are hopeful that more executives will resume work soon in this national fight against COVID19. This includes providing them medical and life insurance, pay, and benefits in case they are quarantined or diagnosed with COVID-19.”