General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of Northern Command Lieutenant General YK Joshi on Tuesday received around 30,000 cards made by NCC cadets of Gujarat at its headquarters in Udhampur. These cards, made with the spirit of patriotism to inspire the soldiers deployed along the Line of Control, Line of Actual Control and the hinterland in the UTs of J&K and Ladakh, were presented to the Northern Army Commander by the cadets, says a Defence release.
कारगिल के वीर को गुजरात का आभार🇮🇳
Lt Gen YK Joshi, GOC-in-C @NorthernComd_IA honouring effort of #Gujarat #NCC at Udhampur for huge task of making 29566 cards for #KargilWarHeroes & @adgpi Soldiers@PMOIndia @CMOGuj @DefenceMinIndia @HQ_DG_NCC @TarunKAich @ANI @NCC_Dte_Gujarat
— PRO Defence Gujarat (@DefencePRO_Guj) July 20, 2021
While speaking at the cards presentation ceremony, Lieutenant General YK Joshi commended the spirit of patriotism exhibited by the people of Gujarat in general and the NCC Cadets in particular through a novel and innovative way of telling the soldiers on the line of duty that the nation supports them with heart and soul.
#EkMaiSauKeLiye Ph-5 कारगिल के वीरों को गुजरात का आभार 🇮🇳
29556 Cards Flagged off by Hon CM of #Gujarat on 17 Jul recd by Lt Gen YK Joshi, GOC-in-C @NorthernComd_IA who expressed his grateful Thanks on behalf of @adgpi soldiers on our borders@SpokespersonMoD @AjaybhattBJP4UK
— PRO Defence Gujarat (@DefencePRO_Guj) July 20, 2021
The Army Commander quoted GK Chesterton, a British writer, philosopher and theologian who had once said, “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”
The Army Commander also said, “No soldier marches into battle merely to destroy for the sake of destroying. He marches not because he is trying to break free from something, but because he is bound to something. This gesture by the NCC Directorate, Gujarat will assure each soldier on the frontline that the hardship he bears and the sacrifices he and his family make on a daily basis are not going unrecognized and the citizens of India, particularly the youth, are grateful to him for the efforts”.
Chief Minister of Gujarat Vijay Rupani had flagged off the consignment of around 30,000 cards on July 17, which were made by NCC Cadets from Gujarat NCC Directorate, ably led by Major General Arvind Kapoor, the Additional Director General. The cards were dedicated to the memory of Kargil Martyrs.
The Northern Army Commander thanked Maj General Arvind Kapoor for conceptualization and launch of the campaign in support of Kargil War Heroes. The Chief Minister on July 3 had pushed forward a campaign “Kargil Ke Veeron Ko Gujarat Ka Aabhaar” as symbol of gratitude to the Kargil Heroes and the soldiers currently deployed at Kargil and our national borders.
The Northern Army Commander also thanked Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani for his words in the honour of Kargil war heroes and said that such gestures by the leaders go a long way in infusing the sense of pride among soldiers and their families.