Tamil Nadu Chief Secretary V Iraianbu, also an author of several books in Tamil, on Tuesday said he has ordered authorities not to buy his works and also not gift his books at government functions.
Till such time he held the office of Chief Secretary, books authored by him must not be bought under any scheme, he said quoting his directive to School Education Department which administers public libraries.
Under no circumstances his works can be procured and even in case of ”pressure,” it should not be done, the top official said in a press release. Buying his books would give an impression that the ”books were only being thrust” in view of his high office and hence it must not be done.
The objective is to ensure that his name and the office he held was not used in a wrong manner, he said.
The 58-year-old officer Iraianbu is also a motivational speaker and he had authored several books including ones on getting through the civil service examination.
The 1988 batch IAS officer, who holds a doctorate in business administration, was appointed to the top post immediately after M K Stalin took over as Chief Minister for the first time on May 7.
The Chief Secretary told officials to not buy and gift his books in government functions, under the impression that it would make him happy. If an officer had spent money from government account to buy his books, the amount would be recovered from him/her and remitted in government account.
“Avoiding spending from one’s own pocket (to buy his books) is good.” Iraianbu also cited a Government Order (which said presenting books instead of bouquets in state functions would be good) while asking officials not to buy or gift his books.
Apparently, he directed them not to seek refuge under that order of 2006 to buy his books.