Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendrabhai Patel on Tuesday conferred the best initiative award on the Indian Coast Guard during a function organized by Gujarat First Media Group at Mahatma Mandir in Gandhinagar.
#LatestNews #TrendingNow @IndiaCoastGuard awarded #best initiative award by @CMOGuj Shri @Bhupendrapbjp
in the presence of @sanghaviharsh during function organised by #Gujarat First Media Gp#award 👏in recognition of anti-smuggling #operations & HADR efforts during #Biparjoy— PRO Defence Gujarat (@DefencePRO_Guj) August 9, 2023
The award was received by Inspector General AK Harbola, TM, Commander Coast Guard Region (North West).
Gujarat Minister of State for Home Harsh Sanghavi was present at the event.
“The award was given in recognition of numerous anti-smuggling operations undertaken off the coast of Gujarat & HADR efforts during recent cyclone Biparjoy by the ICG,” a Defence release said.
It may be noted that, in the last two years, the Indian Coast Guard has undertaken 08 joint operations in collaboration with ATS, Gujarat Police wherein 407 Kgs of Heroin worth Rs 2,355 crore have been apprehended.
Also, Ships and Aircraft of the Indian Coast Guard had saved 145 lives at seas, braving adverse sea and weather conditions. Midnight Rescue of 07 fishermen from stranded Fishing Boat near Diu in August 21, Rescue of 22 seafarers from MV Global King-I that had sunk 105 NM from Porbandar in July 22 and challenging evacuation of 50 men from Oil Rig ‘Key Singapore’ near Okha during recent cyclone Biprajoy and some of the prominent mission undertaken in the recent past, the statement added.