Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel on Friday laid the foundation stone of barrage to be built at a cost of Rs. 214 crores on Sabarmati river with a storage capacity of 3.47 million cubic meters at Hirpur village in Vijapur taluka of Mehsana district.
“Farmers are the priority of the government and will always remain in top priority. With the completion of this scheme, 3,200 hectare area, including two villages of Vijapur taluka and 4 villages of Himmatnagar taluka will get irrigation facility,” the chief minister said.
CM said that under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Narmada project has been completed and also dry and scarcity areas have become greener.
Apart from laying foundation stone of this barrage CM also digitally dedicated and laid foundation stones of several developmental works in Mehsana District.
Navsari MP and State BJP President CR Paatil, Minister of Health and Water Resources Rushikesh Patel and former Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel were present at the function.
Patel also said, “The farmers have got adequate water and now we need to adopt organic farming so as to give healthy food to the people. This government is committed to solve the problems of farmers, rural people and youths as soon as possible.”
Referring to this, the Chief Minister also urged the officials to be diligent in resolving the representations of the people expeditiously and with the public interest approach so that they get proper help and assistance.
The CM said that Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav an initiative of the Government to celebrate and commemorate 75 years of progressive India and the glorious history of its people, culture and achievements is being carried out in the nation through various campaigns. Many schemes like Swachhta Abhiyan, Ujjawala Yojana have given a new impetus to the lives of the citizens. He added that the government has not backed down in any developmental work. The government has shown commitment to fulfill the hopes, aspirations and expectations of the citizens of the state.
CR Paatil said, “It is imperative to use water wisely to solve the water problem. The government is making efforts to make the villages prosperous through such schemes. The government is working towards making the villages more economically prosperous.” He also explained the farmers the successful experiments like pouring water in the soil, including rainwater harvesting.
Water Supply Minister Rushikesh Patel said, “Steps taken for the welfare of the people means the Gujarat model. The government is working towards the development of the last man of the state. Drinking and irrigation facilities in the state have directly benefited the farmers. Citizens have become healthier with the health facilities in the state.”
Former Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel said, “The government has been working towards equipping the citizens with basic and infrastructural facilities in the state. The government is committed in solving the water problem of North Gujarat. Gujarat has undertaken various development works under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.”
The developmental works being dedicated and laid foundation stones by the CM include a 5,000 tonne godown at Brahmanawada subyard. In addition, 20 new classrooms of Mehsana Primary School No. 07 were e-dedicated.
CM also inaugurated the upgradation works of seven primary schools in Becharaji taluka under Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Rurban Mission.
MP Shardaben Patel, Bharatsinh Dabhi, Dipsinh Rathod, District Panchayat President, MLAs Ramanbhai Patel, Karashanbhai Solanki, Dr. Ashaben Patel, Ajmalji Thakor, Rajendrabhai were present.