Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani on Thursday inaugurated a command-and-control centre in Gandhinagar to monitor the activities of over 54,000 government-run schools in the state.
CM Shri @vijayrupanibjp inaugurated hi-tech ‘Command & Control Centre 2.0’ for effective implementation of various educational projects as well as child-tracking & real-time monitoring of activities in 54,000 schools covering over 3 lakh teachers & 1-cr students across the State.
— CMO Gujarat (@CMOGuj) June 10, 2021
In his address after inaugurating the state-of-the-art ‘Command and Control Centre 2.0’, Rupani said Gujarat has become the first state in the country to come up with a real-time monitoring system for schools.
In a bid to ensure that the new academic session is not affected by Corona pandemic, Gujarat Govt announces ‘Gyan Setu : Bridge Course – Class Readiness Program’ to be aired on @ddgirnarlive & BISAG’s Vande Gujarat channel for Std 1 to 10 students from June 10 to July 10, 2021.
— CMO Gujarat (@CMOGuj) June 10, 2021
Through this control room, senior officials can monitor the implementation of various schemes and initiatives, such as home learning and periodic assessment, which were launched by the state government to improve the quality of education, an official release stated.
“Gujarat has over 54,000 schools, 1.25 students and 4 lakh teachers. This command centre will help us monitor the activities and performance of schools located in remote areas. The centre will be useful for communicating with teachers as well,” the chief minister said.
As per the government release, apart from showing real-time attendance of teachers and students of any school, the command centre is also equipped to provide various district-wise and course-wise data.
Using the ‘video wall’ feature at the centre, Rupani held a brief discussion with a few field staff of the education department and received their feedback about the project, and also spoke to a primary school teacher from Anand district.
The command centre will prove to be an important tool in monitoring the attendance of students, preparedness of teachers and for assessment of performance and progress of students, Rupani said, adding that the data received by the control room will be analysed by machine learning softwares and other data analysis tools