Gujarat on Friday saw a drop in COVID-19 cases, with the addition of 481 new infections in the last 24 hours that took the tally to 8,19,376, an official of the state health department said.
— Nitin Patel (Modi ka Parivar) (@Nitinbhai_Patel) June 10, 2021
At least nine patients died in the last 24 hours, while 1,526 were discharged from various treatment facilities, taking the toll to 9,985 and the count of recoveries to 7,97,734, the official said.
— Nitin Patel (Modi ka Parivar) (@Nitinbhai_Patel) June 11, 2021
The rate of recovery now stands 97.36 percent, he said, adding that the state is now left with 11,657 active cases.
Ahmedabad city recorded the maximum number of cases, with 69 infections, followed by 62 in Surat city, 51 in Vadodara city and 37 in Vadodara district, the official said.
ગાંધીનગરના કોબા સ્થિત પ્રદેશ કાર્યાલય શ્રી કમલમ ખાતે રાષ્ટ્રીય મહામંત્રી અને ગુજરાત પ્રદેશ પ્રભારી શ્રી ભૂપેન્દ્ર યાદવજી, ભારતીય જનતા પાર્ટીના માન. પ્રદેશ અધ્યક્ષ શ્રી સી.આર.પાટીલજી તથા માન. મુખ્યમંત્રી શ્રી વિજયભાઈ રૂપાણીજી વિશેષ ઉપસ્થિતીમાં કોર કમિટીની બેઠક મળી.
— Nitin Patel (Modi ka Parivar) (@Nitinbhai_Patel) June 11, 2021
The Union Territory of Dadra Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu recorded eight new cases in the last 24 hours, it was stated.
Out of 10,427 cases reported in the region so far, four patients have died of the infection, while 10,320 have recovered from it. The Union Territory now has 103 active cases, it was stated.
Meanwhile, 2.86 lakh beneficiaries took the COVID-19 vaccine jab during the day, taking the total vaccination count in the state to 1,97,35,809.
Gujarat COVID-19 figures are positive cases 8,19,376, new cases 481, deaths 9,985, discharged 7,97,734 active cases 11,657 and people tested so far – figures not released.