The Gujarat government on Monday announced a Rs 3,700 crore assistance package for farmers who suffered crop loss due to heavy rains in August.
CM Shri @vijayrupanibjp announces a massive Rs.3700-crore relief package in the Gujarat Assembly today covering over 27-lakh farmers facing Kharif crop damage due to heavy rains in the state.
— CMO Gujarat (@CMOGuj) September 21, 2020
Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani announced this in the state Assembly and said it would benefit 27 lakh farmers.
“The monsoon started on a good note this season, brightening crop prospects. But water-logging due to heavy rains in several talukas in August damaged crops, mainly groundnut, cotton, paddy, oilseeds, bajri, pulses, and vegetables,” Rupani said.
“As per the survey conducted by the agriculture department, we have announced Rs 3,700 crore package for damage to crops over 37 lakh hectares, out of 51 lakh hectares under cultivation in 123 talukas in 20 districts in the current season,” he said.
“As per the government’s earlier announcement, it decided to provide assistance to farmers whose crop damage is more than 33 percent. The assistance will be at the rate of Rs 10,000 per hectare for a maximum of two hectares, subject to minimum assistance of Rs 5,000 irrespective of the size of the landholding,” he said.
This will help with about 27 lakh farmers, Rupani said, adding that one can apply online from October 1, and the cost of the application will be borne by the state.
The money will be transferred into accounts under the DBT mechanism, the CM said.
State Agriculture Minister R C Faldu later told reporters survey work will continue in other districts and if the crop damage is over 33 percent, relief will be provided there as well.
The money will be deposited in farmers’ accounts before Diwali, Faldu said.