Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani on Saturday made several crucial announcements related to State New Industrial Policy 2020, a release said.
Speaking at the event organized by FIFC (Foreign Investors facilitation Council), the Chief Minister announced several crucial initiatives – 15 Thrust sectors with Incremental benefits, Capital Subsidy up to 12% of fixed capital investment, Incentives for establishing Research Centers by private companies and Relocation incentives for industries shifting from other countries – that will propel Gujarat on the road to further Industrial success.
Watch CM Shri @vijayrupanibjp's interactive live session on the new #GujaratIndustrialPolicy2020
— CMO Gujarat (@CMOGuj) August 29, 2020
The Foreign Investors Facilitation Council had organised a Talk Show after Live Webcast of Chief Minister Vijay Rupani and other Senior Government Officers on the occasion of Gujarat State’s New Industrial Policy 2020 with Industry Leaders & Captains.
Prakash Varmora – Industrialist & President of Federation of Industries Association, Nirav Mahadeva – Architect & Expert for Industrial Park Policies, Padmin Buch – Chairman in Various Committees and Organisations & Himanshu Patel – Founder & President of FIFC and Chandrakant Salunkhe – President, SME Chamber of India were amongst the dignitaries present at the occasion.
Speaking on the occasion, Chief Minister Vijay Rupani said, “The FIFC’s vision of helping local industry in approvals foreign tie-ups, collaboration and growth is commendable. Towards that, and other praise-worthy initiatives, the Gujarat Government is committed to propelling the State towards the Prime Minister’s vision of a truly AtmaNirbhar India. We are making it easier for industries to locate and grow in Gujarat. We also welcome global companies who want to relocate from other countries, to Gujarat.”
Speaking on the new policy, Himanshu Patel – Founder, FIFC said, “The policy announcement has a major industry cluster announcement and there is need for such industrial cluster which can help put Gujarat on the global map. One should take maximum benefit of one good advantage of this policy that International Technology acquisition clause has been included in the policy so that local MSME, SME sectors can acquire or transfer technology of foreign companies free of cost as announced by the Government of Gujarat.”
Emphasising the inclusive nature of the policy, Pdmin Buch said, “This industry policy is a win-win policy wherein they have captured infrastructure, social infrastructure, service sector and on the other side MSMEs and Start-ups, has been named as progress with sustainability which is the biggest element of the policy. This policy will definitely succeed; the only thing we are waiting for is that the government should announce a mechanism of implementation so that it reaches the last mile persons and MSMEs. Overall, this policy is collective and progressive, we all should wish that this policy will give a boost to Gujarat thereby contribution towards nation will increase.”
Speaking on the occasion, Nirav Mahadevia said, “We will have to strengthen local private companies then only we will be able to invite foreign companies and able to retain them invested for long-term. So the first job is to provide them soft funds and strengthen them so that they can produce the best quality infrastructure and also not only the leased land but made to use and made to shoot type of lease should be offered which has the probability to get a maximum number of units. We have to provide all the services under one umbrella, in terms of bringing in licences, in approvals, everything has to be done in an integrated manner. The government should streamline other industrial policies such as defence manufacturing policy, textile value chain policy, and create one policy then it would be very easy to implement those.”
Reiterating FIFC’s commitment, Prakash Varmora – President, FIA, said, “New policy announcement is attractive. This new announcement has an inclusive growth policy for the development of the industry which has many beneficiary components. This is an inclusive Policy aimed at also providing impetus to everyone aspiring for growth – especially last-mile access. With the help of government, associations, and media if the policy gets implemented then it’s very beneficial for Gujarat.”