Gujarat on Tuesday reported the highest number of 14,352 coronavirus positive cases in a day and a record 170 deaths, including 27 in Surat, the state health department said.
With the addition of new cases, the count of infections in the state has gone up to 5,24,725 while the death toll reached 6,656, it said.
Gujarat is now left with 1,27,606 active cases.
A total of 7,803 patients were discharged during the day, raising the number of recoveries in Gujarat to 3,90,229, the department said in a release.
With new detections, Gujarat’s case recovery rate fell to 74.37 percent.
As many as 1,67,977 beneficiaries received COVID-19 doses in Gujarat on Tuesday, taking their count to 1,16,22,606, the department said.
At 5,725, Ahmedabad reported the highest number of COVID-19 cases in the state in the day, followed by Surat with 2,269 detections, Jamnagar 697, Vadodara 631, Rajkot 534, Bhavnagar 357, Gandhinagar 325, Junagadh 261, etc.
Of the 170 fatalities, 26 occurred in Ahmedabad and 14 in Vadodara.
Gujarat’s COVID-19 figures are positive cases 5,24,725, new cases 14,352, death toll 6,656, discharged 3,90,229, active cases 1,27,840, people tested so far – figures not released.
Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu reported 217 new cases, taking the tally to 7,054, officials said.
With 190 patients being discharged, the count of recoveries rose went up to 4,862 in the UT which is now left with 2,188 active cases while the death toll so far stood at four.