In a show of solidarity with the Government of Tamil Nadu, Sadhguru, Founder-Isha Foundation, offered the premises of Isha Vidhya schools for use as COVID care centres. The schools are spread over the state in Coimbatore, Erode, Salem, Nagercoil, Thoothukudi, Villupuram, Cuddalore and Dharmapuri districts, says a release.
In a post on his Twitter handle, Sadhguru wrote: “We are offering premises of #IshaVidhya schools to Tamil Nadu government as #COVID care centers with a bed capacity of 990. I appeal to the community to unite in strengthening the hands of the administration to overcome this challenge.”
We are offering premises of #IshaVidhya schools to Tamil Nadu government as #COVID care centers with a bed capacity of 990. I appeal to the community to unite in strengthening the hands of the administration to overcome this challenge. –Sg @ishavidhya #BeatTheVirus
— Sadhguru (@SadhguruJV) April 27, 2021
His message comes at a time when Tamil Nadu is reeling under the second onslaught of the virus.
Last year, Sadhguru contributed Rs 11.54 crore to Isha’s community outreach efforts in villages around the Yoga Center in Thondamuthur. The funds were raised through online auction of three of his paintings. Isha volunteers used the proceeds from the auction to provide food and an immunity booster drink every day to thousands of people to protect them from starvation due to loss of livelihoods during the lockdown.
Isha volunteers continue to provide Nilavembu Kasayam every day in the villages, now famously dubbed “Corona Tea” by the villagers. The bitter herbal concoction has gained a huge following with even children gulping it down gratefully and several people testifying to its positive impact on chronic health conditions besides strengthening the immune system.
Isha also supported the local administration with medical infrastructure and supplies including distribution of face shields, sanitizers and PPE kits to frontline workers and equipping local primary care centers with necessary infrastructure.