The Southern Railway has announced on Tuesday that AK Agarwal, General Manager, Integral Coach Factory(ICF), has taken over additional charge as General Manager, Southern Railway with effect from Tuesday, 1st February 2022. He succeeds John Thomas, General Manager, Southern Railway, who retired on superannuation on 31st January 2022.
Atul Kumar Agarwal, IRSME, General Manager, ICF, has worked in various capacities in Indian Railways before being posted as General Manager, ICF, in July 2021. Prior to taking over charge as General Manager, ICF, Agarwal was the Principal Chief Administrative Officer of Central Organisation for Modernisation of Workshops (Indian Railways) at New Delhi.
He has served Indian Railways in various capacities such as Principal Chief Mechanical Engineer of Central Railway, Chief Rolling Stock Engineer of North Central Railway, Divisional Railway Manager, Trichy Division of Southern Railway, Chief Workshop Manager of Jagadhri Carriage and Wagon Workshop of Northern Railway, and other railways. Shri Agarwal has vast experience in the maintenance of sophisticated computer and numerical controlled machinery and plant having various types of control systems.
Belonging to the 1981 batch of Special Class Railway Apprentices from Indian Railways Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (IRIMEE), Jamalpur, Agarwal was involved in the management and operation of diesel locomotives for more than 10 years in various capacities at divisional and headquarters level besides maintaining the prestigious Shatabdi and Rajdhani Express trains in the Delhi Division of Northern Railway. As he was associated with running of the first Shatabdi Express train with modern LHB coaches, after getting trained in Germany and Switzerland, he brings with him rich experience in Rolling stock maintenance and operations.