Under the visionary Prime Minister Narendra Mod’s various initiatives like Pradhan Mantri Shram-Yogi Maandhan Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana and Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana have given a kind of security cover to the workers. Due to such schemes, there is a belief among the workers of the unorganized sector that the country respects their hard work equally.
Many INCORRECTLY believe India's labour market emerged weaker post Covid (based on noisy, unreliable CMIE data). Reliable PLFS data of NSSO shows correct picture. See🧵1) Unemployment ↑ in 1st & 2nd wave, but ↓ since & now < pre-Covid (=Jan-Mar 2020) 1/3
— Prof. Krishnamurthy V Subramanian (@SubramanianKri) September 5, 2022
‘Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme’, boon for MSMEs
We have become a witness to the impact of these efforts of the country on our economy, even during the Corona period. The ‘Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme’ has helped lakhs of small industries. According to a study, this scheme saved the jobs of about 1.5 crore people.
28 cr workers have registered with e-Shram Portal
EPFO also helped employees a lot during the Corona period as thousands of crores of rupees were given to them in advance. And friends, today we are seeing that just as the country supported its workers in their time of need, in the same way, the workers put their entire might in recovering from this pandemic. Today India has again become the fastest growing economy in the world and a lot of credit goes to our workers.
- The Labour Ministry is also preparing its vision for 2047 in ‘Amrit Kaal’
- In just one year, about 28 crore workers spanning 400 sectors have registered themselves with e-Shram Portal
- The ‘Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme’ has helped lakhs of small industries, saved livelihood of 1.5 cr people.
In just one year, about 28 crore workers spanning 400 sectors have registered themselves with e-Shram Portal. This has especially benefited construction workers, migrant labourers and domestic workers. Now these people are also getting the benefit of facilities like Universal Account Number. The ‘e-Shram Portal’ is also being linked with the National Career Service, Aseem Portal and Udyam Portal to increase employment opportunities for workers.
3) Worker Population ratio has ↑ & is significantly above pre-Covid level (Jan-Mar 2020). See this evidence together with previous data on labour market that I had put up 👇 In sum, Indian labour market has performed well in quality & quantity. 3/3
— Prof. Krishnamurthy V Subramanian (@SubramanianKri) September 5, 2022
29 labour laws have been converted into four simple labour codes
In the last eight years, we have taken the initiative to abolish the laws from the period of slavery that reflect the slave mentality. The country is now changing, reforming and simplifying such labour laws. Keeping this in mind, 29 labour laws have been converted into four simple labour codes. With this, our labour brothers and sisters will be further empowered on issues like minimum wages, job security, social security and health security. The definition of Inter-State Migrant Labour has also been simplified in the new labour codes. Our migrant labour brothers and sisters have also been helped a lot by the ‘One Nation, One Ration Card’ scheme.
Ample opportunities for women’s labour force
The country’s labour ministry is also preparing its vision for 2047 in ‘Amrit Kaal’. The future needs flexible workplaces, a work-from-home ecosystem and flexible work hours. We can use systems like flexible workplaces as opportunities for women’s labour force participation.
(The author of this article is Prof KV Subrmanian, Former Chief Economic Adviser, Government of India)