Indian Bank Managing Director & CEO S L Jain on Friday inaugurated the curtain-raiser of the bank’s 117th Foundation Day at its Corporate Office here. The public sector banking behemoth, a beacon of trust and service, commemorates its 117th year of excellence on August 15. The grand celebration that began yesterday with a curtain-raiser event resonated with the spirit of unity, culture, and patriotism.
The curtain-raiser event featured a captivating array of cultural performances, showcasing diverse folk dance forms from around the world. Staff members came together to showcase their talents, captivating the audience with mesmerizing performances, including a spellbinding magic show and an energetic clapathon.
Underlining its commitment to the nation’s pride, Indian Bank proudly launched the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ campaign, a tribute to the Government of India’s initiative. The campaign aims to infuse every household with the essence of the tricolor, celebrating the country’s heritage and unity.
In a stirring address, S L Jain, MD & CEO, encapsulated the significance of the 117th Foundation Day, highlighting the bank’s unwavering dedication to its customers and its vision for the future. He spoke passionately about the “Meri Matti Mera Desh” campaign, reinforcing the bank’s deep-rooted connection with the land and its people. Furthermore, the MD passionately emphasized that August 2023 stands as the Anchor Month for Indian Bank’s exuberant Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrations, enhancing the significance of the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ campaign as an emblem of shared values and patriotism.
As Indian Bank strides into its 117th year, it continues to be a torchbearer of progress and service, committed to the welfare of its customers and the nation. The curtain-raiser event set the stage for a year filled with renewed enthusiasm, purpose, and determination.