In a glitterati ladden FICCI CASCADE Annual flagship event organized in New Delhi on Friday, one ICG officer earned appreciations amongst others vigilant enforcement officers, who have seized illicit contrabands and supported a clean economy.
The event titled MASCRADE 2023 is the 9th in series on the theme ‘Tackling Illicit Trade: Socio-Economic Perspectives and Way Forward’.
The Station Commander of Indian Coast Guard Station Jakhau was adjudged as the best performing ICG officer for his exemplary contribution in Anti-Smuggling and counterfeiting operations for the period 2022-23 by CASCADE (Committee Against Smuggling and Counterfeiting Destroying the Economy).
The Officer, leading the frontier Coast Guard Station Jakhau under ICG Regional Headquarters North West, had executed various operations with ICG Units in coordination with other security agencies to effectively thwart nefarious activities from across the borders and also recovered narcotics worth Rs 550 crores in the year 22-23.
On occasion of #WorldHeartDay with theme of Use ❤️ Know ❤️ #Military #hospital #Ahmedabad under HQ 11 Rapid(H) held #Health talk & Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Program
Maj Gen SS Virk, GOC 11 Rapid (H) graced the occasion
Talk delivered by Brig Sanjeev Sengupta, Commandant MH
— PRO Defence Gujarat (@DefencePRO_Guj) September 29, 2023