- The distressed boat was taken under tow by the ship in a daring night operation which was professionally executed despite hostile weather conditions and brought back early morning of Wednesday to Okha safely
In a swift rescue mission, 13 fishermen who were stranded mid-sea in a boat were rescued on Tuesday night and towed to safety by the Indian Coast Guard personnel on Wednesday morning.

“The Indian Coast Guard’s Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) received a distress message from Fishing Boat ‘Padmawati’ about it being adrift at sea on Tuesday. The vessel was about 15 Kms from Dwaraka and had suffered machinery breakdown due to rough weather & sea conditions off Gujarat coast,” an ICG release said.
Responding to the SOS, the Indian Coast Guard (ICG), as ‘First Responder At Sea’ immediately deployed an ALH helicopter to take stock of the situation. Meanwhile, ICG ship Abheek was diverted for the rescue Ops, despite adverse weather and very rough sea conditions, the statement added.
The distressed boat was taken under tow by the ship in a daring night operation which was professionally executed despite hostile weather conditions and brought back early morning of Wednesday to Okha safely with all 13 crew. The ICG has yet again lived up to its motto of वयम् रक्षामः or ‘We Protect’.