Manipal Academy of Higher Education on Monday announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) on an exciting research initiative. The initiative will enable the selected faculty members, researchers, and students of MAHE to familiarise themselves with the latest trends and know-how in the highway/ transportation sector and get actively involved in a few specific highway projects. The MoU was signed by the Registrar, MAHE, and Project Director, NHAI in July 2020, a release said.
Internship for students
NHAI through its experts engaged in the project will disseminate and familiarize the knowledge to the selected students and researchers. Further, NHAI proposes to support the creation of Lab infrastructure in the institute and sponsor relevant research project that helps in using alternative resource material and improving the quality of roads. 20 students of the institute are expected to do internships with NHAI as a part of the initiative every year.
Institute Social Responsibility
MAHE is proposed to adopt the Kundapur to Surathkal 90.05kM stretch highway as Institute Social Responsibility for a period of 5 years. The adopted stretch would be used as a site for field study for the researchers and students of the institute.
The objective of the initiative is to mutually share the domain knowledge available for the benefit of all involved. It will help the students to bridge the industry-institute gap by engaging with the live projects of NHAI and benefiting from the interaction with the experts in the field. On the other hand, through the periodic examination of the projects, the researchers and students of the institute will provide comprehensive recommendations on enhancing the efficiency of the projects. Further, the academic expertise will be shared with the NHAI related to the design and enhancement of the projects considering all the required parameters such as safety, sustenance, environment, and so on.