The shooting of Dhoni Entertainment’s ‘LGM,’ Tamil film starring Harish Kalyan, has been wrapped up and commenced post-production work. Marking this occasion, the entire crew celebrated a wrap-up party, where every crew member was seen with utmost satisfaction and elation on completing the project. Right from the day of the movie Pooja to the wrap-up day. The entire process has involved detailed planning and execution that enabled the team to materialise the project in a smooth manner.
It’s a wrap on the shoot for #LGM. Loads of memories, laughs and relationships to cherish.
We are getting closer to see you in cinemas! pic.twitter.com/6EY2ywF1No
— Dhoni Entertainment Pvt Ltd (@DhoniLtd) May 2, 2023
- An official announcement on the film’s teaser, trailer and audio launch followed by a theatrical release date, will be made soon
- The film features Harish Kalyan, Nadhiya, and Ivana as the lead characters. Yogi Babu and Mirchi Vijay will be seen in prominent roles.
The post production work has begun and an official announcement on the film’s teaser, trailer and audio launch followed by a theatrical release date, will be made soon.
The film marks the maiden production of Cricketer MS Dhoni’s and Sakshi Dhoni’s Dhoni Entertainment and is directed by Ramesh Thamilmani. The film features Harish Kalyan, Nadhiya, and Ivana as the lead characters. Yogi Babu and Mirchi Vijay will be seen in prominent roles.
Our Thala @msdhoni with the first look poster of #LGM, along with our Director @ramesharchi.
Thank you for all the love and the wonderful response to #LGM’s first look. pic.twitter.com/yu71enCdrn— Dhoni Entertainment Pvt Ltd (@DhoniLtd) April 11, 2023
‘LGM’ is a film that aims to offer a breezy cinematic experience to the audiences with an interesting screenplay, emotions and humour.
Vikas Hasija, the producer of the film is elated that “LGM is a Family entertainer that will cater to all sections of the audience. The shoot has been completed and the post-production work has begun smoothly. The film will be known for its quality in terms of content and production value.”
Priyanshu Chopra, the Creative Producer of the film says that “LGM being our first film in Tamil required meticulous planning. Fortunately, things went well as per our plan and we now call it a wrap. The film has shaped up well and we can’t wait to present it to the audience.
The film went on floors in January and was shot across various locations of southern India. The technical crew consists of cinematographer Viswajith Odukkathil who shot Hridayam in Malayalam, and Love Today technician Pradeep E Ragav handling the edits. Besides direction, Ramesh has also composed music for the film which will feature five songs.
The film is presented by Indian Cricketer Dhoni’s wife Sakshi Dhoni’s Dhoni Entertainment.