Kia Motors India on Thursday announced the opening of its manufacturing plant at Erramanchi village in Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh in the presence of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y. S. Jagan Mohan Reddy and Ambassador of The Republic of Korea to India Shin Bongkil.
At the inauguration ceremony, Andhra Pradesh CM Y. S. Jagan Mohan Reddy thanked Kia Motors India for setting up a world-class facility in the backward region of Andhra Pradesh. He went on to say that the Kia plant has generated 11,000 direct jobs and 7,000 from its ancillaries. Once the full production capacity is achieved, the number of jobs will increase even further, he said. “We will stand to support Kia Motors India all throughout.”
During the opening ceremony, President and CEO, Kia Motors Corporation Han Woo Park underlined that Kia Motors India has become the fourth largest car manufacturer in India within 100 days of operations and the company is now the eighth largest car manufacturer in the world. The Rs 13,500 crore manufacturing facility is Kia’s 15th in the world. Kia plans to achieve its global sales target of 2.8 million vehicles by 2020. He said that Kia cars were so popular that over 6,000 bookings were received in a single day
Ministers Botsa Satyanarayana, Mekapati Goutham Reddy, Sankaranarayana, Gummanuru Jayaram, MPs K Gorantla Madhav, Thalari Rangaiah, APIIC Chairperson MLA, RK Roja , Kapu Ramachandra Reddy, officials and representatives of KIA Motors attended the event.