Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy met Prime Minister Narendra Modi at his residence in New Delhi on Wednesday and discussed various issues related to the state including release of funds for Polavaram Project and Special Category Status (SCS) to the state as per the promise given by the central government during bifurcation of the state.
In a meeting which lasted over 100 minutes, the Chief Minister invited the Prime Minister to the historic event of the distribution of 25 lakh house-site pattas to the landless poor in the state on Telugu New Year day Ugadi on March 23. The house sites is part of the Nava Ratnas included in the YSRCP manifesto. The important features in the letter submitted to Narendra Modi by the Chief Minister include seeking the handing over of 800 acres of saline land in East Godavari to the state government.
The Chief Minister said that the state government intends to complete the Polavaram Project by 2021 and sought assistance for the rehabilitation package for all the families to be evacuated as per the schedule. He said that the total estimated cost of the project turned out to be Rs 55549 crores and Rs 33010 crores was needed as part of the R&R package. He recalled that the Central water Resources Ministy has estimated the cost of Polavaram Project to be Rs 55549 crores in February 2019.
The Chief Minister informed that the project is yet to get administrative sanction for which special efforts have to be made by the Centre. He informed the Prime Minister that so far the state government has spent Rs 3320 crores for the project which has to be released by the Central Water Resources Ministry.
The Chief Minister informed the Prime Minister that the state needs special status to overcome the financial constraints and reminded that it did not need the approval of the Finance Commission. He also recalled that the 15th Finance Commission had made it clear that according special status to the state was in the purview of the Centre. Taking this into consideration he urged the Prime Minister to accord special status to the state.
The Chief Minister informed that as per the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, the Centre had agreed to clear the financial deficit of Rs 22948.76 crores to the state and the Centre has to give an additional amount of Rs 18969.26 crores. He asked the Prime Minister to expedite clearance of the amount as soon as possible.
The Chief Minister informed that the Centre had released only Rs 10,610 crores during this financial year and urged the Prime Minister to direct the Union Finance Ministry to release the pending funds. He also urged the Prime Minister to take the initiative for the construction of Kadapa Steel Plant and release funds for Ramayampet Port. He also sought the release of funds for the linking of Krishna and Godavari rivers.
With reference to the allocation of Rs 2500 crores for construction of the state capital, he reminded that only Rs 1000 crore was released by the Centre. He sought the release of the ending funds for the purpose. Regarding the allocation of funds for the backward districts, the Chief Minister reminded that only Rs 1050 crores was released during the past seven years and there has been no allocation for the past three years.
High Court in Kurnool
The Chief Minister urged the Prime Minister to take steps for setting up the High Court in Kurnool. He outlined the need for decentralization of administration and development in the state and the efforts being made by the state to that effect. He informed the Prime Minister that the state Cabinet has approved to have the executive capital in Visakhapatnam, the legislative capital in Amaravati and the judicial capital in Kurnool for which a Bill was passed and the state Assembly has approved it.
With reference to the decision of the government for the abolition of the Legislative Council, the Chief Minister reminded that the decision was taken since it had lost its utility and going against the bills passed by the Legislative Assembly. He urged the Prime Minister to direct the Central law department to take necessary action in this regard.
The Chief Minister also requested the Prime Minister to direct the Central Home department to approve the Disha Act enacted by the state Assembly to provide protection to the women in the state.