The Madras High Court on Friday refused anticipatory bail to AIADMK former Milk and Dairy Development Minister K T Rajhenthrabhalaji and his accomplice Vijayanallathambi, who apprehended arrest in connection with a case registered against them by the Virudhunagar police on charges of cheating persons after collecting crores of rupees on false promise of securing them jobs.
Justice M Nirmal Kumar, who dismissed the advance bail applications, observed that in the case of job racketeering, the anxiety and gullibility are exploited by the persons who are in position or persons who have access and proximity.
In this case, Vijayanallathambi, making use of his position and proximity with the Minister as the secretary of the District Youth Wing and Legal Wing and Vembakottai West Union secretary of the AIADMK in Virudhunagar district, exploited the situation.
Rajhenthrabhalaji, being passive, approved his misdeeds. In this process, innocent persons had lost their money and future, which cannot be ignored. Only a thorough investigation can unearth the deep rooted conspiracy and the involvement of the role played by each of the accused.
“This Court, on the facts and circumstances of the case, is not inclined to entertain both the anticipatory bail petitions and the same are liable to be dismissed and are dismissed,” the judge said.
The court also directed the police to conclude the investigation, giving top priority, within a stipulated time. The judge noted that the antecedents of Vijayanallathambi showed that from 2015 onwards, he had been successfully cheating several job aspirants by collecting huge sums of money. Though he had switched loyalty from one party to another, his act of cheating job aspirants continued. In this case, he was not a stranger and he was a prominent person holding high position in the political party.