Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Wednesday recommended the National Investigation Agency (NIA) investigation into the Coimbatore car blast case in which five associates of the deceased Jamesha Mubin were arrested, after invoking the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.
We welcome the decision of TN CM Thiru @mkstalin avargal to handover the investigation of the Coimbatore suicide bombing to NIA.
At this juncture, we have a few suggestions for the @arivalayam govt to ensure terror incidents such as these do not repeat. (1/4)
— K.Annamalai (மோடியின் குடும்பம்) (@annamalai_k) October 26, 2022
We hope that the suggestions mentioned above will be implemented for the betterment of our state.
We will stand by your decisions if it is in the interest of our Nation! (4/4)
— K.Annamalai (மோடியின் குடும்பம்) (@annamalai_k) October 26, 2022
Their arrest came after 75 kg of explosives were recovered from Mubin’s residence. Bharatiya Janata Party had alleged that the incident was a “terror attack” and not simply a “cylinder blast”. The saffron party had also demanded an NIA probe into the case.
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Earlier in the day, senior NIA officials held discussions with the Tamil Nadu police over the car explosion in front of the temple in Coimbatore. CM Stalin also held a meeting to review the law and order situation with top officials of the state government.
The five apprehended accused identified as Mohammed Dalga, Mohammed Azharuddin, Mohammed Riyas, Feroz Ismail, and Mohammed Anas Ismail have been sent to 15-day judicial custody.
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Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu BJP chief K Annamalai on Wednesday welcomed the DMK government’s decision to hand over the Coimbatore car blast case to National Investigation Agency. However, he stressed that the law and order situation is getting worse day-in and day-out in the state. He alleged that the MK Stalin government tried to downplay the incident as a “cylinder blast”