A two-judge bench of the Madras High Court on Wednesday asked the Puducherry Union Territory government led by Congress to work in tandem with the Lt Governor and set aside the earlier order passed by a single-judge bench in which it had asked the Lt Governor to stop interfering in the day-to-day activities of the government.
An elated Kiran Bedi tweeted, “Informed that First Bench of Madras High Court headed by Chief Justice has allowed the appeals of Union of India and the Administrator Puducherry against the orders of the learned single judge which had averred to restrain the powers of the Lt Gov of Puducherry under the UT Act.”
The decision was taken by a two-judge bench of the High Court while hearing the petition filed by the Lieutenant Governor and the central government against the order of the single-judge bench which earlier ruled that Bedi cannot interfere with the Cabinet decisions of the V Narayanasamy-led government in Puducherry.
After hearing the arguments, the Madras High Court has directed the Puducherry government and the Lieutenant Governor to work in tandem and also instructed the central government to resolve the difference of opinion between them at the earliest.