In a bid to increase awareness on road safety, the Manipal Institute of Technology organised a month-long workshop from January 18 – February 17 in collaboration with the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI). The workshop was unveiled by B Sadashiva Prabhu Additional Deputy Commissioner, Udupi District who was the chief guest along with Dr. D. Srikanth Rao, Director, M.I.T, president of the ceremony, says a release.

The other guests of honor present were Sudhakar S Naik, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Udupi District, Shishu Mohan, DGM (Technical), and Project Director, NHAI.
Life is precious, and any loss of life on road directly impacts the family, as well as the development of the nation. The observance of this road safety awareness shall not be for just a month, it should be for the entire life.
“Sadak suraksha. jeeven raksha.. Jeevan bhar suraksha ka dhyaan.. Banega Desha mahaan,” said B Sadashiva Prabhu, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Udupi District during the inauguration of the workshop on road safety awareness organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT), Manipal in association with the National Highway Authority of India, PIU – Mangalore.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr. D. Srikanth Rao, Director MIT said, “Above all the technologies available for strict implementation of the road safety, it is important that everyone should be self-motivated to act responsibly to take care of themselves and also others. “
In the course of the workshop Shishu Mohan, DGM – (Technical), Project Director NHAI, PIU-Mangalore spoke on the road safety rules followed in India and the innovative initiatives taken by NHAI in reducing the road accidents on highways. He urged the young participants to follow traffic rules as well as to pass on this awareness to their near and dear ones.
Prof. Girish M G, faculty, Department of Civil Engineering, MIT, Manipal delivered a lecture on “Intelligent Transport management System (ITS)”. He discussed the initiatives taken by the Jabalpur city administration in the implementation of ITS, and its impact on the control of the behaviour of drivers and traffic flow.
Deputy Superintendent of Police, Udupi district Mr. Sudhakar S Naik graced the occasion. Representatives from NHAI, PIU-Mangalore, M/s. L N Malviya Infra Projects Pvt Ltd, and M/s. Navayuga Udupi Toll Pvt Ltd and over 130 students participated in the workshop.
Earlier in the function, Prof. Sridevi H rendered the invocation and Dr. B. H. V. Pai, Joint Director MIT, welcomed the gathering. Dr. Purushotham G Sarvade, HoD, Civil Engg. Dept. proposed the vote of thanks. Dr. Asha U Rao was the master of ceremony.