The makers of actor Manoj Bharathiraja’s debut directorial, Margazhi Thingal, on Wednesday announced that the film has gone on floors. Starring his father, veteran filmmaker and ‘Iyakkunar Sigaram’ Bharathiraja in the lead role, the film also stars debutants Rakshana and Shyam Selvan in prominent roles. The makers also shared photos of the pooja ceremony, that happened on the sets of the film.
- Rakshana and Shyam Selvan are making their debut in this film
- The film is said to be a village-based one that will cater to audiences of all age groups and will have love, emotions, drama, and other commercial ingredients
The makers previously released a first-look poster of Margazhi Thingal featuring Bharathiraja standing with a stick at the backdrop of a village. And a silhouette of a couple is superimposed in the background. The film is said to be a village-based one that will cater to audiences of all age groups and will have love, emotions, drama, and other commercial ingredients.
While the film is written and backed by director Suseenthiran under the Vennila Productions banner, GV Prakash will score the music. Margazhi Thingal will have cinematography by AR Suriya and editing by Thiyagu.
The film’s shooting is being planned to be shot around Theni, and in the villages around Madurai.
It is to be noted that Manoj made his acting debut with Taj Mahal, which was helmed by Bharathiraja.