Intensifying the campaign to free temples in Tamil Nadu from the state government control, Isha Foundation has asked Chief Minister K Palaniswami and Opposition Leader M K Stalin to mention in their poll manifesto about freeing of the places of worship.
Describing the appeal as a ”Cry of Tamil people to free temples from governmental control.’’
The open letter of the founder of Isha Foundation Sadhguru has urged the political leaders not to take for granted the forbearance of the Tamil people and to instead act on their behalf.
Isha volunteers handed over the letter on behalf of the foundation’s founder to the Chief Minister and the Opposition leader.
In his letter, Sadhguru referred to the eroding sanctity and vitality of temples under state control.
Though the Constitution allows all communities to manage their spaces of worship, the HR&CE law gives the state control over Hindu temples which has long been a cause of disgruntlement in the majority community, he said.
The HR&CE laws distorted the very constitution of a secular nation by taking over and mismanaging places of worship, Sadhguru alleged.