Miss Southern Crown 2022 Anu Singh has been chosen to represent India at the Miss Aura International beauty pageant. This prestigious international beauty pageant is being held from September 11 to 26, 2022 in Turkey, says a release from Rubaru Group.
At the grand coronation night of the event, the new Miss Aura International titleholder will get crowned.
This prestigious international beauty pageant is being held from September 11 to 26, 2022 in Turkey.
Anu Singh is a model by profession and holds a degree in designing from the NIFT, Chennai. She has been regularly taking part in several beauty pageants and fashion events.
Earlier this year, she was crowned Miss Southern Crown 2022 and also won direct entry to the Rubaru Miss India Elite beauty pageant. She was chosen by the Rubaru Group to serve as India’s representative at the 2022 Miss Aura International beauty pageant.
Established in the year 2006 in Turkey, Miss Aura International is one of the most celebrated international beauty pageants in the world.
The pageant is organized by Miss Aura International organization. During the pageant, the candidates from different parts of the world will take part in a series of preliminary activities, fashion shows and photoshoots before heading for the world finals.
At the world finals, the best performing delegate gets crowned as the competition’s winner.