Mukta A2 Cinemas, one of India’s fastest-growing cinema chains on Thursday launched its premium property in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. With the grand opening of the second property in Ahmedabad by the Showman of the Indian Film Industry Subhash Ghai Ji and senior BJP leader and former deputy chief minister of Gujarat Nitinbhai Patel, Mukta A2 Cinemas will continue offering the best movie-watching experience for all the movie lovers.
The newly launch property in Ahmedabad, Gujarat features 4 screens and can accommodate 488 cine buffs. The property is further aided with 3D screens and 2K projections, which will ensure the best movie experience for every member of the audience. The new property also features luxurious movie watching experience owing to the comfortable seating arrangements, which includes both sofa and recliner seating.
Commenting at the launch of this new property, Rahul Puri, Managing Director, Mukta Arts Ltd. said, “After challenging times due to consecutive pandemic waves, we are getting back on track with our expansion plans. We are very excited about our newest addition, a premium cinema property in Ahmedabad. It’s a 4-screen multiplex with a seating capacity of 583 audiences that also serves delicious gourmet food options. Our customers are so keen to return to the cinemas but want to have the highest quality standards of engagement and hospitality and we at Mukta A2 Cinemas are committed to deliver it.”
With the aim to provide quality focused services and great experiences for the audience, Mukta A2 Cinemas continues to provide luxury movie experience at affordable prices across the nation with immensely varied content. The launch of this property is part of their expansion plan to increase the number of presently existing operational properties across the nation.