The Karnataka government has made a negative RT-PCR test report and at least one dose of coronavirus vaccine mandatory for officers and staff on duty and artists, who will perform during the world renowned Mysuru Dasara festival, commencing on Thursday.
“It has been made mandatory for all those who are participating in the festival including government officers and the staff on the duty, artists, security and media personnel to have a negative RT-PCR test report which will be done after October 4 and have at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine,” Karnataka Chief Secretary P Ravi Kumar said in his order.
The order further said that artists and members of cultural troupe will be given priority for conducting tests.
It also said that everyone attending and participating the event should wear mask, maintain social distancing and hand hygiene.
Noting that there will be a live telecast of Mysuru Dasara festival, the government said the large entry of public to the venue has been prohibited to contain the spread of COVID-19.
The state government has invited former Karnataka Chief Minister S M Krishna to inaugurate the Dasara festival.
The nine-day event will see a host of cultural programmes. The star attraction will be ”Jambu Sawari” when the caparisoned elephants will march in front of the imposing Mysuru palace.
The festival attracts people from different parts of the world.