Prime Minister Narendra Modi topped the ‘Global Leader Approval Tracker’ put out by American research firm Morning Consult, with the highest percentage of ratings, on Saturday. According to the data put out by the firm, PM Modi was ranked as the most approved world leader with a score of 70%, followed by Mexico President López Obrador at 66% and Italy Prime Minister Mario Draghi at 58%.
Global Leader Approval: Among All Adults
Modi: 70%
López Obrador: 66%
Draghi: 58%
Merkel: 54%
Morrison: 47%
Biden: 44%
Trudeau: 43%
Kishida: 42%
Moon: 41%
Johnson: 40%
Sánchez: 37%
Macron: 36%
Bolsonaro: 35%*Updated 11/4/21
— Morning Consult (@MorningConsult) November 6, 2021
Other world leaders like Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel (54%), Australia PM Scott Morrison (47%), US President Joe Biden (44%) and Canada PM Justin Trudeau (43%) followed shortly after.
The rating state that as of November 4, 2021, 70% of average Indians (sample representative of the literate population) approve Prime Minister Modi while only 24% disapprove of him. When it comes to US President Joe Biden, only 44% approve of him while 48% disapprove of him.
For French President Emmanuel Macron, approval ratings stand at 36% while disapproval ratings stand at 55%. Amongst all world leaders, the approval ratings of PM Modi (70%) stand the highest.
This is not the first time that PM Modi has topped the ratings of the American research firm. In January 2021, Morning Consult rated Prime Minister Narendra Modi as the “Most Popular Head of Government”. Even in September 2021, PM Modi was ranked the most approved world leader by the firm among 13 world leaders, with a percentage of 70%.
The ratings are based on a seven-day moving average of adult residents in each country, and samples sizes vary by country, according to Morning Consult. The agency conducts more than 11,000 daily interviews globally about leadership approval. Daily global survey data is based on a 7-day moving average of all adults in a given country with a margin of error of between +/- 1-3%.
All interviews are conducted online, among nationally representative samples of adults. In India, the sample is representative of the literate population.