NCC Air Wing cadets of Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Andaman Nicobar Directorate won three gold and three silver medals and stood first in the Aero-modelling competition. It also came as runners-up in the overall trophy in the All India Vayu Sainik Camp held at Air Force Station, Jodhpur in Rajasthan from September 24 to October 5.
The victorious contingent was given a rousing reception in Chennai Friday.
NCC Contingent of @NCCDte_TNPAN came as "Runners-up" in the All India Vayu Sainik Camp-2022, winning 3 gold & 3 silver medals, and stood first in Aero-modelling. Hon'ble Minister for Youth Welfare & Sports Development of Tamilnadu, Thiru @SMeyyanathan honoured the medal winners.
— Defence PRO Chennai (@Def_PRO_Chennai) October 7, 2022
Tamilnadu Minister for Youth Welfare and Sports Development Siva V Meyyanathan honoured the medal winners and encouraged the team to perform better. Deputy Director General of the Directorate, Commodore Atul Kumar Rastogi congratulated the team for their outstanding performance.
- Tamilnadu Minister for Youth Welfare and Sports Development Siva V Meyyanathan honours the medal winners
- The contingent also adjudged as the Overall Best Directorate (Runners-Up) in the All India Vayu Sainik Camp held at Air Force Station, Jodhpur in Rajasthan
The contingent bagged three Gold medals for Best in Flying (Girls category), Best in Health & Hygiene (Boys category) and in Radio Control Aero-modelling Flying. They also won three Silver medals in Best in Flying (Girls category), Line Area and Control Line Aero-modelling Flying. In addition, the contingent was also adjudged as the Overall Best Directorate (Runners-Up).
The team was drawn from five Air Wing NCC Squadrons of Chennai, Coimbatore, Salem, Trichy and Puducherry. Commencing July 29, the contingent comprising 24 Senior Division boys and 14 Senior Wing girls, were put through a strenuous training regimen.
This annual event is conducted under the aegis of Directorate General NCC, New Delhi, to assess training standards achieved by Air Wing NCC units under 17 NCC Directorates across the country.
Various competitions like Drill, Aero-modelling (both Static and Flying), Firing (both fixed and flying targets) and Line Area were held.