Taking strong note of a Dalit woman’s death in police custody allegedly due to torture, the National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC) has sent a notice to Telangana chief secretary and DGP seeking facts and information about action initiated in the matter.
The commission has also asked the Deputy Commissioner and Superintendent of Police of Telangana’s Bhongir district to submit their action-taken report within a week.
According to information available with NCSC, the woman who was working as a cook, was arrested along with her son following a complaint of theft by the house owner. She died in the lockup of Addagudur police station in Bhongir district due to alleged police torture, it said.
The woman was allegedly beaten by the police in the presence of her daughter despite repeated requests, the commission said citing reports.
The NCSC has issued a notice to the deputy commissioner and superintendent of police of Bhongir district, and also the chief secretary and the police chief of Telangana asking them to submit the facts and information on action taken in the matter within seven days.
NCSC Chairman Vijay Sampla, on whose orders the notice was sent, has cautioned the officers that if the action-taken report is not received within the stipulated time, the panel would exercise its powers of the civil courts conferred on it under Article 338 of the Constitution and issue a summons for personal appearance before the commission in Delhi.
“As Chairman I am duty-bound to secure the rights of the Scheduled Castes and ensure that they get justice in all respects,” Sampla said in a statement.