Eight years of the BJP-led NDA government have been dedicated to the country’s balanced development, social justice and social security, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said here on Friday, while asserting that people’s faith in the government’s delivery mechanism has been restored post-2014.
Addressing the BJP’s national office bearers’ meeting in Jaipur via video conferencing, Prime Minister Modi asked the party leaders and workers to launch a campaign to ensure that no poor, eligible beneficiary is left out of the government’s welfare measures.
“This month, the NDA government will complete eight years. These eight years have been of resolutions and accomplishments. These eight years have been committed to service, good governance and welfare of the poor,” he said.
PM Modi said that eight years have been of fulfilment of the expectations of small farmers, labourers and the middle class.
“These eight years have been of the country’s balanced development, social justice and social security. These eight years have been dedicated to the empowerment of mothers, daughters and sisters,” he said.
The BJP government post-2014 has restored the faith of the people in the government, its systems and its delivery mechanism, that had been lost earlier, the prime minister added.
PM Modi said the world is looking at India with great expectations today.
“Similarly, in India, the people have a special affection for the BJP. The people of the country are looking at the BJP with great faith and hope,” he said.
After 2014, the BJP brought people out of despair and today people are full of aspirations, the Prime Minister said.
“This hope and aspirations of the people of the country increase our responsibility,” he told the BJP office-bearers.
In the 75th year of Independence, the country is setting for itself the goals for the next 25 years, he noted, adding this is the time for the BJP to fix the goals for the next 25 years and to work continuously for them.
In an apparent swipe at the opposition parties, PM Modi said some political parties keep looking for small incidents of tension to inject poison for their selfish interests.
“Attempts will be made to deviate you from the country’s development issues but you have to stick to them,” he told the BJP leaders and workers.