Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd on Friday announced the launch of a ‘New work-from-home’ annual plan for prepaid users, that offers 33 percent more value at Rs 2,399. Jio subscribers will get 2GB/day for 365 days under the new plan.
This work-from-home plan is made easy with affordable 2GB/day plans that cost-effectively Rs 200 per month and only Rs 6.57 per day. It has 33 percent more value over the competition’s annual plan of Rs 2,399. Jio continues to offer the existing annual 1.5GB per day plan of Rs 2,121 with the validity of 336 days.
Also, Jio introduced three new ‘work-from-home’ data add-on packs. These packs consist of Rs 151, Rs 201, and Rs 251, which offers 30GB, 40GB, and 50GB, respectively. With co-terminus with the existing base plan’s validity, these packs do not have daily data-capping. With high on value-for-money, these packs are must for all high data users as it can be used at any time of the month when the daily data runs out.