Newcomer Subhash Chandra Bose and Neha starrer ‘Kadhal Sei’ trailer was released on Monday at the Ilayaraya studio. Addressing after launching the audio and trailer of the film Ilayaraja said, “Future Bharathirajas… Present P Vasu… Future Junior King” he thought with a laugh and said, “Myself and Bharathirajas and Ilayaraja come from time to time? There is none. There is only one Bharatiraja. Only one P Vasu. Only one junior king. Will another sun come into the world like the sun? Only one will come.”
:”Whatever the coconut tree is, whether it grows from one tree to another, it is a kind of crime. Wealth is different from creation. But being very clear is different,” Music Maestro added.
“They said it was very difficult to take this film. It can be as difficult as taking a film. It should not be difficult for those who watch the film. You put ‘Love’ in the title. Looking to make love. There can be no one who loves a lot more than me. But I’m very clear about what I love .I did not have this much camera when I was 16 years old. There is no such media. Congratulations to the crew and impressed everyone who came to the trailor launch, Ilayaraja added.
Directors Bharathiraja, P Vasu and many others were present at the function.