Puducherry Chief Minister V Narayanasamy on Tuesday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi has assured of necessary assistance and support to the union territory from the Centre to deal with cyclone ‘Nivar’ that is likely to make a landfall on November 25. In a voice message, he said he had apprised the Prime Minister of all precautionary steps taken by the territorial government to face the cyclone during a telephonic conversation.
Fishermen have been advised against venturing into the sea. Narayanasamy said all business establishments have been asked to close this evening and remove the high-rise advertisement boards.
All the government staff have been instructed not to avail leave and be at their offices to respond to call for help. Emergency control rooms were set up in all departments.
Cyclone Nivar was expected to make a landfall tomorrow morning in Puducherry and in the wake of the strong winds, heavy rains were forecast from morning Wednesday. “No effort is spared and the government has prepared the machinery to rise to any exigency,” Narayanasamy, who had chaired a meeting of the State level Disaster Management Authority on Monday, said.
24-11-2020 | HCM Shri @VNarayanasami Addressing the Press at #Puducherry Beach #NIVAR_CYCLONE #CycloneNivar #Cyclone #NivarCycloneUpdate
— Office of Ex CM V Narayanasamy (@ExcmPuducherry) November 24, 2020
The CM further said the police were asked to keep vigil on beach road as there should be no movement of people. A team of National Disaster Response Force from Arakonam in neighbouring Tamil Nadu arrived here on Tuesday while another team was deployed in Karaikal to take up rescue works, official sources said.
Meanwhile, the Joint Director to Education Department said in a release that all schools that were asked to function on account of public examinations were directed to remain closed on Tuesday and Wednesday because of the squally weather. Puducherry and its suburbs experienced drizzle since last night and there was a respite from rain this morning.