Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed at the National Conference of Director Generals and Inspector Generals of Police in Pune on Saturday. He had a day-long interaction with the DGPs on various aspects of internal security which started at 10 am continued till late evening. Today is the second day of this 3-day conference.
The three-day conference which began on Friday will conclude on Sunday. Union Home Minister Amit Sha and National Security Advisor Ajit Doval are also attending the conference. The conference was held at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER).
Before attending the conference, Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended the Armed Forces Flag Day programme at the Raj Bhavan. During the programme, Modi met the widow and daughter of Major Kunal Gosavi, who was killed in the Nagrota terror attack in the year 2016.
The prime minister released a 57-minute video featuring Armed Forces Flag Day on Twitter. In his tweet, PM Modi said, “On Armed Forces Flag Day, we salute the indomitable courage of our forces and their families. I also urge you to contribute to the welfare of our forces.”
Develop low-cost technologies: PM to IISER scientists
Modi on Saturday interacted with scientists from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) in Pune and urged them to develop low-cost technologies that would cater to India’s specific requirements and help in fast-tracking India’s growth.
An official release said the IISER scientists made presentations to the Prime Minister on varied topics ranging from new materials and devices for clean energy application to agricultural biotechnology and natural resource mapping.
The presentations also showcased cutting-edge technologies in the field of molecular biology, anti-microbial resistance, climate studies, and mathematical finance research.
Over 200 delegates, including DGPs and IGPs of all states, heads of Central investigation and intelligence agencies, and paramilitary forces participated in this conference.
A comprehensive internal security plan is likely to be drafted in this conference which will conclude tomorrow, sources said.