Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday examined the exhibition at Vidya Samiksha Kendra in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. Before visiting the Kendra, the Prime Minister paid a floral tribute to Rishi Veda Vyas and lit the lamp. Prime Minister is on a three-day visit to Gujarat till April 20.
Sharing some glimpses from my visit to the Vidya Samiksha Kendra in Gandhinagar. It is commendable how technology is being leveraged to ensure a more vibrant education sector in Gujarat. This will tremendously benefit the youth of Gujarat.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) April 18, 2022
PM @NarendraModi arrives at Vidya Samiksha Kendra, pays flower tribute to Rishi Veda Vyas and lights the lamp
— pragati mukhopadhyay 🇮🇳 (@UniversePragati) April 18, 2022
On Tuesday, Narendra Modi will dedicate to the nation and lay the foundation stone of multiple development projects at Banas Dairy Sankul in Diyodar, Banaskantha district. Subsequently, at around 3:30 PM, he will lay the foundation stone of the WHO Global Centre for Traditional Medicine in Jamnagar.
On Wednesday (April 20, 2022) the Prime Minister will inaugurate the Global AYUSH Investment & Innovation Summit at Gandhinagar. Thereafter, at around 3:30 PM, he will attend the Adijati Maha Sammelan in Dahod and inaugurate and lay the foundation stone of various development projects.
The Command and Control Centre for Schools in Gandhinagar collects over 500 crore data sets annually and analyzes them meaningfully using big data analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning, in order to enhance overall learning outcomes for students. The Centre helps track daily online attendance of teachers and students, undertake centralized summative and periodic assessments of learning outcome of students etc.
The official release by the Prime Minister’s Office stated that the Command and Control Centre for Schools has been deemed a global best practice by the World Bank, which has also invited other countries to visit and learn about it.