Chief Minister of Puducherry V Narayanasamy has said the Bharatiya Janata party’s (BJP) ”Vel Yatra” in neighbouring Tamil Nadu is a move to allegedly foment communal strife.
After kick-starting a students’ rally to generate awareness among the people on prevention of dengue and other mosquito-borne diseases during the forthcoming Northeast monsoon, he told reporters that “Puducherry is a peaceful Union Territory.” People mutually respect the religious beliefs and there is no space for any communal or religious violence, he said.
But, he said, the ”Vel Yatra” was a clear move to incite communal violence and strife. Referring to the monsoon season, he said the territorial government has taken several steps to ensure that no havoc is caused.
“We are keen to ensure no outbreak of ailments like dengue and other mosquito-borne diseases anywhere in Puducherry and outlying regions,” he said while asking the people to cooperate with the government to take steps to prevent stagnation of water and accumulation of garbage and debris.
The Health Department has been fully geared up to rise to any exigency. Control rooms were in place and separate wards opened in government general hospital to admit dengue patients.
A meeting of the Disaster Management Department was held recently and an action-plan evolved to handle any public health issues during the monsoon, the Chief Minister said. Health Minister Malladi Krishna Rao, officials of the Health Department in-charge of dengue management and school teachers were present.