Pravisht Mishra, who plays the leading role in COLORS’ much-loved show Barrister Babu, keeps finding new outlets to let out his creativity. Even during the lockdown, the actor is keeping himself busy by pursuing creative arts. Only recently he had revealed how he got back to his love of writing poems. Now we find out that the actor also loves to play the flute, and that he is using the lockdown period to hone his skills at playing the flute.
Comment on the same Pravisht said, “It is said when words can’t express what one feels, music comes to the rescue. I have always loved the quality of music, which is the reason why I learned to play the flute. While I could not get to play a lot while I was shooting for Barrister Babu, I am making the most of the free time that I have during the lockdown. I practice playing it every day and I’m getting much better at it. I feel completely at peace when I play the flute. It eases my worries and fills me with positivity. My favourite song to play the flute is Teri Meri. It is a very soulful song, and I enjoy playing the flute to its tune.”