Puducherry on Monday reported 50 new COVID-19 cases, taking the overall tally of infections to 1,468. Health Minister Malladi Krishna Rao told reporters here that the 50 cases were identified at the end of testing of 384 samples showing 13 per cent positivity rate while the fatality rate was 1.2 per cent.
He said that while five patients of the new cases were below 18 years, 37 were between 18 and 60 years. The remaining eight patients were above sixty years.
The Minister said the total active cases stood at 665, while the number of those recovered and discharged so far was 785 and fatalities were 18. No fatality occurred during the last two days.
Forty-nine of the fifty new cases were admitted to hospitals in Puducherry (33 in government hospital and 16 in centrally-administered JIPMER) while the remaining one was admitted to the Government GH in Karaikal, Rao said.
Of the 26,208 samples tested so far,24,461 samples turned out to be negative and results of the examination of the remaining samples were awaited, he added. Also, the minister said 44 patients were discharged during the last 24 hours.