Puducherry Education Minister A Namassivayam has announced on Saturday that the schools can now begin offline classes. After getting a nod from the Education Minister, Puducherry Schools will be reopening for classes 1 to 8 on Monday, December 6, 2021. This order will not be just applicable to Puducherry Schools but also to schools in the Karaikal region as well. The aforementioned areas had experienced extremely heavy rainfall and waterlogging in many parts. and schools were asked to stay shut until further orders.
Schools to reopen from Class 1 to Class 8 from December 6: Schools in Pondicherry that have been closed for nearly two years due to the Corona epidemic will reopen. Education Minister Mr. A. Namachchivayam announced.@BJP4Puducherry @LGov_Puducherry
— Namassivayam (Modi Ka Parivar) (@ANamassivayam) December 3, 2021
It is pertinent to be noted that the Puducherry Schools were reopened for classes 1 to 8 on November 8, 2021. It was then decided to shut schools due to heavy rainfall. Students from classes 1 to 8 will now be attending offline lectures for half a day. The order would further be implemented by schools, ensuring that students are called to campus on alternative days.
As per agency report, no decision has been taken by the Education Department on restarting the mid-day meal programme for all students. However, it is being expected that this decision will be taken after assessing the situation properly. The state government has strictly told schools to not compromise with COVID protocols. Students, teachers as well as staff members, will have to wear masks all the time. Social distancing should be maintained and sanitisers should be used whenever required.