R Anand, Chief General Manager has taken over as the Officer-In-Charge of Tamil Nadu Regional Office, NABARD with effect from Saturday, June 1, 2024. Tamil Nadu Regional Office operates in Tamil Nadu State and Union Territory of Puducherry.
Hailing from Tamil Nadu, R Anand has 30 years of experience in Development Banking. An Agricultural Engineer from College of Agricultural Engineering of TNAU, Coimbatore, has served in Agriculture Engineering Department prior to joining NABARD. R Anand joined NABARD in the year 1993 in Maharashtra state and went out to serve in various capacities in Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, and Head Office in Mumbai.
He has handled diversified portfolios in NABARD in the areas of Farm Sector/Non-Farm Sector development, Rural Infrastructure, Refinance, Institutional Development of Cooperatives among other in Senior Positions.
He has also served as District Development Manager of NABARD, Pudukottai and pioneered several initiatives in the district like Rural Livelihood, Watershed Development, Skill development etc.